Hope House Featured as One of the Best Rehab Facility in Augusta for 2020

During one of the most trying years of the millennia, Hope House was featured as on of the Best Rehab Facilities in Augusta. The certification of “Best Drug & Alcohol Rehab and Treatment Center in Augusta for 2020” came right after we celebrated our 29th year and our 2000th woman served.

The certification came from Help.Org, an organization that provides empowering, evidence-based information for those struggling with substance abuse and addiction. The data collected has highlighted that Hope House is not only one of the best but has provided patients with a level of care that far exceeds generally accepted care standards. 

Based on conversations Help.Org has had with addiction experts across the US, the vast majority of people who need treatment for substance abuse do not seek it. As you know, though there are many barriers that discourage people from getting the help they need, finding a reputable provider is a significant factor; So Help.Org spent the last 12 months analyzing key care quality metrics, such as the service provided, treatment approaches, costs, and most importantly patient reviews.

Below, is an example of the many reviews we have from past graduates of our many programs:

  • Hope House has an excellent reputation, and former clients often leave remarks like, Hope House gave me a second chance at life. The program gave me hope and the realization that there is a better life out there. I was lost for years, struggling with addiction, and wanting a new life so badly just not having the slightest clue how to get it. I will forever be grateful to this place and the staff for not giving up on me and making me realize my true potential.

Click the link below to see the press release announcing this years certifications. We are thankful for an amazing community that supports and loves our women & children. Without the support, we would not be what we are today!

